swimming is like thinking


"Most people do not want to swim, sooner than they can", quotes Hermann Hesse, Friedrich Nietzsche in his novel "der Steppenwolf"

"Most people do not want to swim, sooner than they can", quotes Hermann Hesse, Friedrich Nietzsche in his novel "der Steppenwolf".

Swimming as well as thinking are skills acquired by human kind, yet not divine gifts by mother nature. A little faintness, one too violent wave and you swallow the sea, you burn your flappy lungs until you can kiss Hades hand and find resolution in the underworld. The same can be applied on thinking, only this time a hurtful memory or a bloody insecurity will make you take the cold blade, slice your warm skin open, until the soulkeeper arrives and collects your spirit. It's as simple as that.

I look again at the quote on my handkerchief that I wrote onto the crinkled paper with my red lipstick some minutes ago. The letters awake and start dancing in front of my sparkling eyes, seeming like the most perfect work of art, letting me draw all the meaning out of them.

As soon as my hot coffee late arrives and the heavenly smell of cinnamon reaches my wet- from the cold-nose, I take a glance at the waiter boy. He has a dreamy face, consisting of a gentle smile with a small tooth gap and soft features. From his right pocket a spine of an old book shows off and I can barely read the title "Night train to Lisbon" by Pascal Mercier. I have to chuckle a little bit out of surprise.

Before leaving the small coffee shop, I take a piece of paper from my bag and write down the following: "Hey stranger, based on your choice of literature I think we would make great friends. Here is my number 0938033308". I wink at the waiter boy, while he reads my scribbly note and welcome the icy wind outside with a big smile.

To brake it down even further, you have to walk on earth with open arms in order to taste the sweet liquor of life, of happiness and eudemonia. You have to take risks, if you want to be immortal and feast with the darling fairies.

Smile to strangers, help others with their groceries, say "yes" to the guy who's asking you out and you are unsure about, brake the law, take the chance to meet new people, travel alone; the list is endless.

Maybe then you will see the hidden magic, discover the glowing light in yourself and the people around you. Maybe you will even hear an elf whispering in your ear divine melodies from other dimensions or meet the devils daughter lost in a abandoned bookstore. Who knows- there are millions of possibilities.

Promise me. Next time you don't swim, you walk. Next time you don't think, you live.


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